rv self portrait.PNG

Artist Statement:

For many years of my life, photography was my only outlet to express myself. It was the stage I could voice my point of view. Using the camera as my canvas and the light as my brush, I could by capture moments in time, sharing the beauty I see in all things and tell a story. However, my emotions grew more vigorous, as well as the need to re-express myself. That led me to retake the brushes, set aside the camera, and use the canvas as my new medium of expression. It is on the canvas where RAW emotions, bold colors, and their meaning start to take shape. Now I can express myself with a new voice, a voice coming straight from my soul, not only from my surroundings. As I keep walking on this journey, I will continue to challenge myself artistically. I will continue to express who I am. I want to thank all my collectors for giving me the highest compliment an artist can get: owning a piece of my artwork.

Ricardo Vela

“The Artist and his muses” - self portrait